Warde Swim & Dive

The Authentic Athlete is proud to bring you the Official Branded Product Line of the Warde Swim & Dive Program! The Deadline for this order is Sunday  Oct. 9. 2022 at midnight.

When you have completed checkout you will receive a confirmation email from store@theauthenticathlete.com.

Required: No items have been made mandatory by the program
Multiple Players: Orders that contain multiple player set ups will be packaged together
Sizing: Sizing charts are also available in the product descriptions.
Delivery: Upon completion of production you will be notified by email of when and where you can receive your items. Please allow 4-5 weeks from the closing of the store for production.

If you have any questions regarding your order you may contact Rich from Team Sports via his email rich@theauthenticathlete.com or his office line 203.955.1511.